Vision and key goals to implement



Boost holders of all eco-system ​tokens

Increase adoption of Crolon Mars the ​Metaverse, Marswap Dex(s)

Boost value on all Crolon Mars eco-​system tokens


Our goal is to bring mass adoption to the Marswap Dex across all chains and to serve as a gateway to ‘Crolon Mars the ​Metaverse’ and Shibarium L2, creating revenue to sustain its ongoing development and ensure its continued ​effectiveness.

Through strategic enhancements, user-friendly features, and robust security measures inclusive of community ​feedback, we will position Marswap as a leading decentralized exchange, fostering a thriving ecosystem that benefits ​both seasoned and novice users.

With a commitment to innovation and community engagement, we envision Marswap as a cornerstone in the ​decentralized finance landscape, driving widespread adoption and contributing to the evolution of the broader ​blockchain ecosystem.








DEX Rebranding

Fund Raising

UI / UX revamp

Multichain CA´s

Metaverse Live


Land Sales

Game Launch

Bridge ETH /Shib

L3 Gamefi Chain

ERC 404 on Cro


Not started


DEX Rebranding / UX Revamp:

Refine the DEX's brand identity, logo, and visual elements for a modern and compelling image.

Implement a user-friendly and intuitive interface to enhance the overall trading experience

Incorporate responsive design for seamless navigation across devices.

Fund raise:

Create a fund raise in order to create multi LP pools, depending of the value raised, our goal is to create a LP Pool for ​$mswap on Uniswap and Marswap.

Launch Dex Multi Chain Capability:

Integrate the DEX with multiple blockchain networks, such as Shibarium, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, ​Cronos and others.

Enable users to trade assets from different blockchains seamlessly within the same platform.

Support trading pairs involving cryptocurrencies from various blockchain networks.

Expand the range of available tokens, catering to users holding assets on different blockchains.

Empower users with the flexibility to choose the blockchain that aligns with their preferences, security considerations, ​and transaction speed requirements.

Explore collaborations with projects and platforms on different blockchain networks.

Implementing DEX Multi-Chain Capability represents a significant step towards creating a more inclusive, versatile, ​and user-centric decentralized exchange, fostering greater adoption and participation in the decentralized finance ​landscape.

Land Sales:

Land sales will bring even more revenue to the eco-system , using part of the revenue to strengthen CrolonMars token ​and eco-system.

Crolon Mars the Metaverse will also explore the opportunities present in allowing the importing of multi-chain assets.

Game Launch:

Play to Beat! the game will allow you to make wages with your friends, in order to be the best you can purchase upgrades ​to your gaming assets, this will also bring revenue to Crolon Mars eco-system.

Bridge ETH to SHIB:

Since the genesis of Marswap, the goal was to bridge Marswap to SHIBARIUM, as the chain evolves we will consider this ​as a step towards interoperability of Marswap DEX(s).

L3 Gamefi Chain:

The L3 Gamefi Chain is a blockchain network designed specifically for Gamefi, a fusion of gaming and decentralized ​finance (DeFi). This chain is tailored to meet the unique requirements of gaming ecosystems, enabling the creation and ​operation of blockchain-based games with integrated financial elements inclusive of but not limited to micro ​transactions, speed of operation etc.

new token distribution

token cost

The fund raising plus multi ​pools creation will have a ​need of 22% of tokens that ​are locked

Fund Raising - need 112 Bi ​$MSWAP tokens

LP Creation - need 107,25 Bi ​$MSWAP tokens

Marketing - 2 Bi of $MSWAP ​tokens

How to bring revenue to $MSWAP

Every transaction in every chain will charge a flat fee

Land Sales from metaverse.

Fees from utilizing all utilities we provide on the multichain DEX

Revenue from KYC and Audits services.

Revenue from the Game.

Revenue from NFTS sold on the Metaverse

Fees From agregator

Revenue breakdown

How everything connects!

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